0066. [ 12.22.21 ]

Happy (late) solstice!

To be honest I completely forgot about it because it was an unusually bright and (partially) sunny day, but I didn't forget to check out the sunset light show and intuitively brewed a soup. I picked up AB from work and as we drove to the grocery store the sky shifted from pink to pastel over our hills and lake. The peachy and lavender/periwinkle hues this time of year make the darkness and cold very much worth it. Every winter I've been known to spontaneously pop out for a dusk "run" just to drink it in (sun dependent, #ithacaiscloudy). 

I'm on perma-vacation for a bit and thank goodness because I need it, we all do I'm guessing. This year has been slightly better than 2020, but that's not saying much and it's a small slightly. Yesterday in the midst of going through the weekday motions we laughed at the silly fact that we're not married yet - we'll save that for next year. I've spent this month working away on things long ignored. My home looks and feels more like I'd want it to but it's a slow process. My body feels better and I have a plan / doctor appointments lined up. I missed christmas tree shopping this year but my tree-like bundle of eucalyptus is the most delightful replacement. AB says I've gotten grinchier as I've aged but as I've said before it's hard to ignore things like world hunger and overconsumption. I did a slow launch of my tienda but a lot of it is (finally) organized ideas that will come to fruition in time. I'm also selling locally with less effort and I reached my income goal for the month with a kind bonus from my employers so I'm taking it easy.

I dont know about you but it feels weird to be here again - another holiday season with covid. In a way I was prepared. When this all began (somehow almost two years ago), AB warned me that things would not be 'normal' for years. He didn't warn me about how exhausting it would be. As the year comes to a close I feel grateful for so many things - that my family is safe and well, that I don't have children to care for, that I can take the time before 2022 to rest, recuperate and catch up. I don't know what this new year will hold (besides us finally getting married), but I'm beyond ready to say good riddance to 2021. Hasta luegooo, 2nd worst year ever :)

Here are some posts you may have missed and while I'm not signing off I'm not sure how much I'll be here. I've been dreaming of a writing retreat but as with everything else since we've embarked on this pandemic train - only time will tell. 

+ holiday: a merry and green holiday season / gift making, trash panda style

+ 2021 life: 20 for 2020 (still working on it) / january feels / 'doing' / another palindrome / loose planner / hola / fall fun: 10.31.21 / to do / recipes 

+ notes to self: small stuffjust do it / BP. / etc

By the way, in late November we ordered glass home items for everyone in AB's family and it was a genius idea on my part - our shopping was mostly done. We've supplemented here and there with local items and small things I brought from Ecuador but I just wanted to get this quick list on here in case you're in a last minute pickle. These are items I buy locally and give every year that I am always thrilled to receive: socks, honey, beeswax candles, peppermint bark, a plant, homemade treats (chocolate covered pretzels, cookies, etc), date vouchers. I also loved this list from my coop and Erin and Rose (over at reading my tea leaves) left me teeming with inspiration.  


Happy December! Hope it's merry but mostly full of love and health <3.

PS. Winter list. I sincerely love winter.

( solstice adventures. december 2020 )


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