0012. (19 by 2019)

Maybe I should write fewer lists?

I love my autumn to-do and so far I've been getting a bunch of those ticked off. So noooo, I should write more lists? (I have a problem.)

When I first started I thought it would be hard to come up with 19 tasks, but I started filling it up no problem. Some of these are repeats from others (see: 30 before 30), but they need deadlines! This list helps me keep tasks on my radar and reminds me of my priorities for the next two months. Thank you, alliteration! (This is not actually alliteration, but I'm not sure what else to call it.)

1. Upstate family trip
2. Sewing lessons with Mom
3. Give AB a haircut
4. Make fresh pasta
5. Make all christmas gifts
6. Visit LS (my old job)
7. Approach businesses regarding sustainable changes
8. Develop exercise routine
9. Find cross country running trails
10. Visit sister (yay!)
11. Make 2019 calendar + planner(s)
12. Plan workshops
13. Look for land to buy
14. Host a fundraiser
15. Start online shop
16. Consistent volunteering
17. Plan Thanksgiving
18. Prepare dual citizenship application
19. Finish a journal (does anyone else have a bunch of started notebooks?)

What do you want/need to get done before the end of the year?

PS. Is there anything better than walking through a yellow forest? I will be attempting to post more photos on ig (it's hard when you have a very old phone and the desktop interface is not the best) - let's be friends @tpssteph


  1. Oooh, making fresh pasta!! Many many years ago my mil bought us a pasta machine, the kind you use to roll the dough thinner and thinner and then cuts into linguine or fettuccine. At the time it seemed a little wacky. But holy cow, that thing has brought so much joy to our family! The pasta is just so delicious, and it's a big production to make, which is fun on holidays or snow days and was always such a treat for my kids. I think I'll bring it out at Christmas when my oldest is home from law school.

    I love your lists!! So many cool and ambitious things. I don't think one will accomplish much or fulfill themselves well if they don't have a plan.

  2. how do you plan to create your own calendar and planner? i'm just curious since i love the idea of keeping everything on paper (not on the computer in order to reduce screen time), but i don't want to buy one necessarily (seems wasteful when i have a ton of scrap paper on hand).

    1. yup, paper always wins for me too! i don't think i'll ever be able to make the switch to digital. part of what i like about making my own is the flexibility - you can really do it anyway that works for you! when i need a very structured week i'll print a passion planner pdf on scrap paper (they're free and awesome!). otherwise i use a combo of bullet journaling in a small notebook or a binder with self-made pages on scrap when i need more space. i'm planning on writing a post very soon - stay tuned :)


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